1. Stop drinking and eating for 6 hours before the time of surgery.
  2. Bathe or clean, shave the area to be operated on.
  3. Under go various blood test, x-rays or other procedure necessary for surgery.
  4. Do not put make up on the day of surgery and nail polish.
  5. Leave valuable jewelry at home.
  6. Advise the medical staff of prosthetic devices you may be wearing.
  7. Call your doctor if you get a fever, cold or rush. your surgery may need to be rescheduled.
  8. Wear loose, comfortable clothing. For overnight stays bring personal hygiene items such as robs, slipper, toothbrush.
  9. Notify if you suspect you may be pregnant or you are taking dirt pills aspirin, ibuprofen, blood thinners, insulin and retane.
  10. Tell doctor your experience with anesthesia if you or a family member has had a bad reaction to anesthesia or pain medication (you will meet anesthesiologist before surgery.
  11. Bring a friend or member of your family you want to be allowed to drive after surgery and plane to have someone take you home.
  12. Show up 1 hour before your scheduled surgery.